OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts
OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
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OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
Forge Standard Library is a collection of helpful contracts for use with forge and foundry. It leverages forge's cheatcodes to make writing tests easier and faster, while improving the UX of cheatcodes. For more in-depth usage examples checkout the tests.
🎚 Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap V2
The core Arbitrum Nitro contracts deployed to the parent chain to host the rollup
Assertions, equality checks and other test helpers
Solidity library for advanced fixed-point math
Basic string utilities for Solidity
A repository for automatically using the latest chainlink repo from the core chainlink repo.
Modern, opinionated, and gas optimized building blocks for smart contract development.
excessively safe solidity calls
Morpho Blue Protocol