Azure / ALZ-Bicep
This repository contains the Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Bicep modules that help deliver and deploy the Azure Landing Zone conceptual architecture in a modular approach.
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This repository contains the Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) Bicep modules that help deliver and deploy the Azure Landing Zone conceptual architecture in a modular approach.
Bicep registry modules
Azure Quickstart Templates
A chat-based recommendation application that revolutionizes the culinary experience.
A creative writing multi-agent solution to help users write articles.
This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompty and Azure AI Foundry. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent mapping for multiple LLM task mapping.
A sample Express.js app using a MongoDB database to show how to host Node.js app in Azure App service using Azure Cosmos DB