The Webwork Project is an organization of educators and technologists supporting the WeBWorK open source online homework system ( It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Support OpenAccess-AI-Collective's open source work building open source NLP tools and language models.
UseTheSource hosts the Rascal metaprogramming language, and its front-ends for Java and C/C++ analysis and transformation and more reusable libraries. These OSS projects are applied in industry, education & research for DSLs and reverse engineering.
Support andrehjr's open source work. I work on pry, split and contribute to other ruby projects :)
I'm a community-funded open-source developer.
Support Matt's open source work on MPTCP and others.
Support Liam Cottle's open-source work!
Hey there, I'm Ryan, a web developer from Chicago. I've been hard at work creating Elm Land, an exciting framework that aims to make reliable web apps accessible to everyone.
Support our work to develop better open source hacking tools.
A simple is better kinda guy who is passionate about making things easier, and that includes everything from cryptic error messages to the big bang theory
bupaR is an open-source, integrated suite of R-packages for the handling and analysis of business process data. It provides support for different stages in process analysis, such as importing event data, calculating descriptives, process monitoring3
Friendly Captcha is the user-friendly and privacy-friendly CAPTCHA alternative.
It‘s a tool for preventing spam on your website.
Other CAPTCHAs are a burden on your users, Friendly Captcha respects your users.
Support kleines Filmröllchen while I write unnecessary software that you're never gonna use. :^)
Support XAMPPRocky’s open source work in the Rust ecosystem.
Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora; openSUSE; and CentOS, focusing primarily on the base Linux system components and the Linux desktop. He's a big believer in "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.
Support Dmitry Gutov's work on Emacs and extensions
Support valzargaming’s open source work
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