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Erc20 Programatic Token Swap Parameters for broadcasting Pulsechain (python)

I am 1. trying to send from wallet a to wallet b, and 2. buy a token ("mars", in this case) with wallet a. I'm trying these 2 tasks programatically, and have a simple front end to test the ...
dimesyboy's user avatar
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How to access secondary axis properties in Matplotlib?

My goal is to plot two sets of data against two different y axes, at the left and right spines, with two different colors. In addition, I want the following elements colored with the same two colors ...
germ's user avatar
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How to Insert Current Local Time with Millisecond Precision into DolphinDB Stream Table from Python?

I’m trying to insert the current system time into a DolphinDB stream table from Python, but there are two issues with timestamps: Millisecond Precision Loss: When using np.datetime64('now', "ms&...
bigmacsetnotenough's user avatar
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Extra wide CARET in QScintilla and PyQt6

I am building a code editor in QScintilla and PyQt6. I wanted to create an extra wide CARET (blinking cursor) like in terminal: When I try modifying the CARET width using the default method editor = ...
COIsCurious's user avatar
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How do I make a mathematical formula using random.randint in sympy that will put the result of the previous value in the next value?

I'm coding in python and I'm using random module. I want a specific mathematical formula for my code that will allow me to put the results of the previous result as the result of the result after that ...
user27394478's user avatar
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Multiple REST API calls on 1m data entries using Databricks + scala?

I am trying to get an API call to get all the buildings in LA county. The website for the dataset is here The county has 3 million buildings I've filtered buildings to 1 million-ish. You can look at ...
myts999's user avatar
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excluding packages in pyproject.toml

#pyproject.toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "mypackage" version = "0.0.1" dependencies = [...
Pacific East's user avatar
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How to calculate p-values from xarray.polyfit covariance matrix?

I am trying to compute p-values for the slope obtained using xarray.polyfit() by extracting the covariance matrix and using a t-test. However, I am getting 1s for all p-values, which seems incorrect. ...
code_error's user avatar
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WhatsApp Business API: Failed to send message: 400 {"error":{"message":"(#135000) Generic user error","type":"OAuthException","code":135000"

I am heaving problem with WhatsApp Api setup. I have already asked here but now I am going much deeper into the problem and giving you replicable solution in python. This is a working solution for ...
Vojtech Stas's user avatar
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I cannot figure out why VS Code says Flask module not found

I have VS Code, Windows 11, Python 3.13. I just reinstalled python and VS Code. I created a new workspace folder. Created new virtual environment, selected interpreter. Ran .\.venv\Scripts\activate ...
Mike Demaris's user avatar
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How can I reuse a function in NiceGUI slots without client-side code duplication?

NiceGUI documentation on conditional formatting in Table suggests the following: table.add_slot('body-cell-age', ''' <q-td key="age" :props="props"> <q-badge :...
Konrad Jamrozik's user avatar
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Why does this sorted key lambda encounter an IndexError

I thought I understood the key argument for the sorted function, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why it appears to be applying the tuple index to the string inside the tuple instead of to ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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How can I check collisions faster to stop phasing when at high velocity through my platform in pygame?

In my pygame project, I have a character that can clip through platforms when the player clicks s, so that they can go to a lower platform, like you would in super smash bros, for example. However, ...
Dante Martin's user avatar
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find the overall topic from a piece of text

I need to find a way to use Python to tell what topics a researcher might be interested in based on their "Research Interests" page. The output should be something general but slightly ...
ApplesAndCode464's user avatar
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Finding sparse nullspace basis in GF(2) in python [closed]

Given a nullspace basis how can I find another nullspace basis that is as sparse as possible in python. It seems that is question isn't answered and not getting much attention, Is there a way to find ...
albusSimba's user avatar

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