Greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants pose a serious threat to public health and to the ecosystems that sustain our lives and economies. ISO standards help reduce pollution and health risks for example by defining measurement methods and providing benchmarks for various environments, including workplaces and other indoor spaces as well as outdoor air.


Sustainable development for a changing planet

Cities worldwide are in the race to adapt to a changing climate. Everywhere, soaring temperatures fuelled by human-made greenhouse gas emissions are disrupting the delicate balance of our climate systems.

The greenhouse effect: Counting gases and why it matters

It’s easy to have mixed feelings about carbon. On the one hand, it’s the foundation for life on Earth. On the other, it’s linked to climate change.

Embracing net zero: a crucial step towards a sustainable future
Achieving net-zero carbon emissions is not just an environmental imperative; it also presents significant opportunities for organizations of all sizes.

Sample standards

Workplace air — Metals and metalloids in airborne particles — Requirements for evaluation of measuring procedures — Amendment 1

Indoor air
Part 40: Indoor air quality management system — Amendment 1: Climate action changes

Air quality — Bulk materials
Part 2: Quantitative determination of asbestos by gravimetric and microscopical methods

Air quality — General aspects — Quantities and associated units for reporting results of air quality measurements

Stationary source emissions — Determination of PM10/PM2,5 mass concentration in flue gas — Measurement at higher concentrations by use of virtual impactors — Amendment 1

Air quality — Validation of air quality measurement methods in the standardization process