Make Your Systems UA-Ready
Universal Acceptance (UA) allows users to access the Internet in their chosen online identities, including in their local languages and scripts. By becoming UA-ready, private sectors, governments, and civil societies have the ability to better serve their communities and take advantage of significant business opportunities. According to a 2017 study published by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), UA-readiness is a $9.8+ billion opportunity.
The UASG and ICANN have multiple resources to help make your own systems and email services UA-ready. If you would like to discuss how to become UA-ready or have questions, please email [email protected].
UA Test Frameworks and Materials
UASG 026 UA Readiness Framework: Technical guide that provides a framework for scoping UA conformance work for software applications, focusing on the major components of an application to help developers.
UASG 004 Test Cases for UA Readiness Evaluation: Test domain names and email addresses for developers to evaluate systems for UA-readiness. See UASG 004A for the corresponding data file.
Universal Acceptance (UA) Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems: a study published by ICANN that proposes how to test registry and registrar systems for UA-readiness. The study includes the roadmap in addition to the results of testing a registry system and a registrar system in the appendices.
Are You EAI-Ready?
Supporting Email Address Internationalization (EAI) is part of being UA-ready.
EAI allows the use of non-English (non-ASCII) characters in either the domain name, the mailbox (local part) name, or both. Examples include:
[email protected]
To check if your email server supports EAI, use the tool available at or send an email to one of the email addresses in UASG 004, and look to see if you get an auto-response.
Additional Resources
View a full list of UA resources.
Case Studies
UA case studies provide real world examples of UA adoption.
Role of ccTLDs in Achieving UA-Readiness
A whitepaper that identifies what a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) manager must do internally to make their systems UA-ready, and how ccTLD managers can encourage UA adoption by local stakeholders.
UA Quick Guide (UASG 005)
Definitions of key terms, relevant RFCs, and recommended next steps to become UA-ready.
Introduction to Universal Acceptance (UASG 007)
An overview of UA with requirements (relevant RFCs), best practices, and recommendations. An introduction to advanced topics such as right-to-left scripts, the Bidi algorithm, and Normalization.
Quick Guide to Email Address Internationalization (EAI) (UASG 014)
An introduction to EAI, and items for email software developers and email service providers to consider.
UA Relevant Standards and RFCs (UASG 006)
Standards related to UA to make your systems UA-ready.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): UA-Readiness of Programming Languages and Email Tools (UASG 031)
Answers to questions on UA support in programming languages and frameworks, and on support for EAI in email tools and services.
EAI Technical Education and Awareness Directed at Developer Community Websites – Proposed FAQs (UASG 044A)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers related to: Character/Length, General Validation, Programming Language, and General IDN/EAI Protocol.