Global Domains & Strategy (GDS) Metrics
GDS aims to maintain a culture of excellence in its operations. This web page provides information about generic top-level domain (gTLD) marketplace health, survey results, performance metrics for several operations, and a summary analysis report on Registry Service Evaluation Policy (RSEP) process requests.
Domain Name Marketplace Indicators
The Domain Name Marketplace Indicators (registration required) initiative presents statistics pertaining to the marketplace for generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). These indicators are made available through the ICANN Open Data Platform, which the ICANN organization intends to update annually.
ICANN org collaborated with a community Advisory Panel on this effort. The indicator schema and taxonomy document [PDF, 2.0 MB] outlines indicator categories, dimensions/factors, and includes calculation methodology and a glossary of terminology for all featured metrics.
Concurrent to the release of these marketplace indicators, ICANN org will continue to work with the community and the Advisory Panel to evaluate additional enhancements that might be incorporated as part of this initiative.
2021 Contracted Parties Survey Results
ICANN org conducted the fifth annual survey of ICANN contracted parties from 1 November to 23 November 2021. The goal of the survey is to determine how the Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) function interacts with contracted parties, and what steps GDS can take to work more effectively with contracted parties.
This year, ICANN org once again partnered with eBallot to conduct the survey. ICANN org always appreciates hearing from our stakeholders and thanks those who responded to the survey. Please know that GDS encourages contracted parties to provide input at any time by contacting [email protected].
Contracted parties survey results are published below, including a slide presentation with the survey questions and answers.
ICANN 2021 Contracted Parties Survey [PDF, 1.7 MB]
ICANN 2021 Contracted Parties Survey Summary [PDF, 25 KB]
2020 Contracted Parties Survey Results
ICANN 2020 Contracted Parties Satisfaction Survey [PDF, 2.30 MB]
ICANN 2020 Contracted Parties Satisfaction Survey Summary [PDF, 46 KB]
2019 Contracted Parties Survey Results
ICANN 2019 Contracted Parties Satisfaction Survey [PDF, 599 KB]
ICANN 2019 Contracted Parties Satisfaction Survey Summary [PDF, 149 KB]
2018 Contracted Parties Survey Results
ICANN 2018 Contracted Parties Survey [PDF, 4.41 MB]
ICANN Contracted Parties Survey Memo [PDF, 604 KB]
2017 Contracted Parties Survey Results
ICANN 2017 Contracted Parties Survey [PDF, 1 MB]
ICANN Contracted Parties Survey Memo [PDF, 479 KB]
GDD Action Plan to 2017 Contracted Party Survey [PDF, 300 KB]
Operational Metrics
Performance Metrics
The performance metrics below are calculated on a rolling 12-month basis. The information will be updated monthly and published by the end of the following month.
Global Support Performance Metrics Dashboard
Operations Performance Metrics Dashboard
- New gTLD Program Performance Metrics Dashboard
Systems Performance Metrics Dashboard
Summary Analysis Reports
Summary analysis reports are generated each calendar year. The information will be updated annually and published by the end of the first calendar quarter.
Registry Service Evaluation Policy (RSEP) process requests