A prominent feature of the DAA YourAdChoices program is the call for entities engaged in interest-based advertising (IBA), also known as online behavioral advertising, to clearly inform consumers about data collection and use practices using an enhanced notice provided via the YourAdChoices Icon or link.
Entities participating in the program may use the YourAdChoices Icon and one of the approved wordings as an IBA ad marker to represent adherence to DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles (“Self-Regulatory Principles”) and as a means for providing enhanced notice of IBA practices. Approved word phases that may accompany the icon include: Why did I get this ad?, Interest-Based Ads, YourAdChoices, or Ad Choices.
What Will Happen Next
After submitting this form, upon review and qualification, you will receive an agreement within 10 business days where you will self-certify that your business is adhering to the DAA Principles. Delivery and use of the creative guidelines as well as the icon and ad marker assets is contingent upon the execution of this license agreement as well as receipt of payment.
The certification and licensing fee for the YourAdChoices icon is $10,000 for the United States (additional fees for additional territories) and is renewable annually.
Approved Providers
The Program has chosen Approved Providers of compliance services for companies who use the YourAdChoices Icon. These Approved Providers' Assurance Platforms have been endorsed and approved – but are not required to use – as a method for providing evidence of compliance. Currently, the following companies are Approved Providers of compliance services for the Self-Regulatory Principles:
Please visit Evidon (formerly Ghostery), and TrustArc (formerly TRUSTe) for more information about how these Approved Providers can help your company comply with the Principles in a simple and cost-effective manner.
DAA YourAdChoices Icon Registration
To begin the registration process, please provide the following information.
All fields are required.