I have two Event of GA on same page. First Event works on page view that is view_promotion and second is select_promotion .
for view_promotion, Iam sending data like =>
const items = newItems.map((item: any , index:any) => ({
item_id: `${index}`,
item_name: `SKU_123${index}`,
promotion_id: `${data?.promotion_id}-inner SBC`,
promotion_name: `${data?.promotion_name}-inner SBC`,
creative_name: `${item?.creative_name}-inner SBC`,
creative_slot: `${item?.creative_slot}-inner SBC`,
event_id: new Date().getTime(),
event: "view_promotion",
creative_name: newItems
?.map((item: any) => `${item?.creative_name}-outer SBC`)
creative_slot: newItems
?.map((item: any) => `${item?.creative_slot}-outer SBC`)
items: items,
and for select_promotion is like =>
const itemData = {
promotion_id: `${promotion_id}-inner SBC`,
promotion_name: `${promotion_name}-inner SBC`,
creative_name: `${creative_name}-inner SBC`,
creative_slot: `${creative_slot}-inner SBC`,
event: 'select_promotion',
creative_name: `${creative_name}-outer SBC`,
creative_slot: `${creative_slot}-outer SBC`,
items: [itemData], // Push the item for select_promotion
I tried to remove old data in GTM like this in my next JS App for view_promotion and for select_promotion .
window.dataLayer.push({ items: [] });
window.dataLayer.push({ event: "gtm.js", items: [] });
event: "clear_items",
items: []
But still I am able to see old items array in select_promotion in GTM output section , In GTM preview mode Api call is correct but in OUTPUT section dataLayer is showing old items array of length 6 . which we send on view_promotion .
Even I check console.log before and after GA fire event like this console.log("Before push:", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.dataLayer))); but it is showing correct data (for select_promotion items with lenght 1). Even i check dataLayer extension that is also showing correct data that means for select_promotion items of lenght 1 . but in preview mode of GTM it is showing items with lenght of 6, which triggered for view_promotion (GTM showing old items array data) .
Due to that in my GA dashboard data of click is showing in correct because it is sending click event for all 6 items array .
Can anyone please let me know how to fix this issues ? . Is this issue is from frontend ? Api section of GTM preview mode is like below this is correct => GTM Api section of select_promotion
Below is output section of GTM which is incorrect because it contain all 6 items which get trigger for view_promotion GTM datalayer section of select_promotion