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Firebase Realtime database producing strange results by using .get() vs .once()
Google BigQuery - setup organization
Deleting email/password sign-in method from a Firebase user
ray.init() called, but ray client is already connected error in a cloud run
Adding Firebase to gradle build for Anroid app: "Add rules to include the Google Services Gradle plugin"
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Correctly catching network and other errors in Flutter
Why are BQ snapshots using the full storage amount of the original table?
CI pipe failing to connect to test database
2025 How to disable reCaptcha in firebase phone-auth (OTP) android without SafetyNet or DeviceCheck
Sending push notification using FCM .NET SDK, how can I replace the status bar icon?
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How do I check the equality of a Firestore Reference in Firestore Security Rules?
Based on your question, you have data that looks like this: { "letterboxes/letterbox1": { "members": [ doc(db, "/users/user1"), doc(db, "/users/...
Firebase and Firestore - how to restore user credential (and data) after reinstall app?
In step 4, you are not actually signing in to Firebase with the Google provider - so no UID is created there. Rather you are getting the user's credentials, which you then in step 5 link to the ...
GCP Python ID Token Authentication with Impersonated Service Account without Downloading Credentials File
I think you do not use the right class. I don't like the fecth_id_token. Try this instead from google.auth.impersonated_credentials import IDTokenCredentials import google.auth import google.auth....
Firestore Bandwidth costs for downloading documents with large embedding vectors [closed]
As Frank suggested, you can utilize other solutions that fits your use case. Given you have persistent servers, you can use a hybrid solution that still uses Firestore as your primary database letting ...
firebase database user submitted posts retrieve to android recycler view in date wise
If you want to have your Firebase Realtime Database query results arranged in a certain way, then you should either order the results by key, by value, or by a specific child. If you order the results ...
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How to handle notification when app in background in Firebase
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The upgrade to GKE 1.26+ activates cgroup v2, causing disruptions to java based workloads.
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