Gold 1
Since ‎06-08-2018

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Has there been any mention of better integration with Google Sites? We'd love to be able to embed private AppSheet Apps in to our Google Sites intranets, but it's not possible at the moment as the AppSheet authentication will no work when embedded in...
I have logged with support but haven't got a solution yet so I'm turning to the community - you're my only help! I have made a simple text-based EnumList on the [Courses] column of a row in the Attendance table: The goal is to make the initial value ...
I have an bot/automation that's triggered when an update is made and it's working as it should. I wanted to enhance it by knowing who made the update that triggered the bot: how do I detect the user that made the update to trigger the bot? I tried us...
Have I missed some documentation or am I right in thinking there is no way to @mention someone in an AppSheet Google Chat App? We want to be able to send someone a direct message when a task is assigned to them but, from what I can see and have exper...
I am working on an AppSheet app that uses a Google Sheet as it's data source. I want to add a Bot to call an Apps Script but when I get to definign the Task the "Call a Script" option is disabled and the mouse-over/hover tooltip says "Google data sou...