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Set up your Pixel phone

 You can move what's on your current phone to your Pixel phone, or set up your Pixel phone as a new device.

  • You can automatically transfer data from most phones using Android 5.0 and up or iOS 8.0 and up. (Learn how to check your Android or iOS version, and what can limit iPhone copying.)
  • You can manually transfer data from most phones using most systems.

Option 1: Transfer data from your current phone

To move data to your phone, follow the on-screen steps the first time you turn on your phone.

If you skip transferring data or don't finish setup the first time:

  • Within a few minutes, you'll get a "Pixel setup isn't done" notification. Tap Finish setup.
  • For a few days, open your Settings app. At the top, tap Finish setup.
  • After a while, you can always reset your phone. But that erases all your data. Learn how to reset to factory settings.
From an Android phone

Before you start

  1. If you don't have a nano SIM card, get one from your mobile carrier. Learn how to get a SIM card.
    Tip: Depending on the phone and mobile carrier, some Pixel phones can use eSIM. For details, check with your carrier.
  2. Find a cable that works with your current phone, like its charging cable.

Transfer your data

Follow our Android transfer guide.

From an iPhone

Before you start

  1. If you don't have a nano SIM card, get one from your mobile carrier.Learn how to get a SIM card.
    Tip: Depending on the phone and mobile carrier, some Pixel phones can use eSIM. For details, check with your carrier.
  2. Make sure that you can transfer the most data possible.Learn what can limit iPhone copying and how to transfer more of your data.
  3. Find a cable that works with your current phone, like its charging cable.

Transfer your data

Follow our iPhone transfer guide.

From a BlackBerry or Windows Phone

Before you start

If you don't have a nano SIM card, get one from your mobile carrier. Learn how to get a SIM card.

Tip: Some Pixel phones can use eSIM, depending on the phone and mobile carrier. For details, check with your carrier.

Transfer your data

Follow our BlackBerry or Windows Phone transfer guide.

Option 2: Skip transferring data

If your Pixel phone is your first phone or you want a fresh start, turn it on and tap Start And then Set up as new. You'll skip transferring data and start personalizing your new phone.
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