Buy & read ebooks

You can use Google Play Books to download and read ebooks on more than one device. You can also upload files and print books.

Buy ebooks

  1. On your computer, open Play Books library.
  2. Search for the ebook you want.
  3. Click the ebook.
  4. Scroll to "Reading information."
  5. Check details, like which devices you can read the ebook on.

Viewing options

Tip: Not all ebooks offer more than one viewing option.

Depending on the book, you can view an ebook as:
  • Original Pages: Read the book in a fixed-page layout that usually matches the printed edition.
  • Flowing text: Change display options like font, text size, and line spacing.

Learn how to change an ebook's display settings.

Read ebooks

You can change the font, text size, and jump to chapters when you read ebooks.

On Google Play Books, open an ebook.

  • To change the font, text size, or other formatting, click Display options Gmail Compose Size icon.
  • To jump to a chapter, bookmark, note, or info card, click Contents Table of contents .

Print books

To print ebooks, you’ll need to download the ebook on your computer.

Important: There are limits on how much you can print from some ebooks. These limits are set by the book’s publisher and vary depending on the specific book. These limits are known as Digital Rights Management (DRM).

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