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The Number Of People Killed By Police, By US State

The Number Of People Killed By Police, By US State
In one US state, the police killed 165 civilians in the space of just a year.
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Police killed 1,364 people in the US last year, but more than a third of those deaths took place across just a handful of states.

Using 2024 figures from Mapping Police Violence, Visual Capitalist made a map showing the number of civilians killed by police in each US state.

Texas, America's second-largest state by population, was home to the highest total number of deaths, with 165 people killed by police. California (125) and Florida (96) took second and third place in the ranking, respectively.

Rhode Island saw zero police-related deaths in 2024, while Massachusetts, Delaware and Vermont were tied for second-lowest number of deaths, with two each.

In terms of deaths per million residents, New Mexico's rate of 13.22 was the highest in the US last year, followed by Wyoming's (12.13).

The Mapping Police Violence project also found that Black people are 2.8 times more likely than white people to be killed by police in the US, and that the country only had 10 days in 2024 where the police did not kill someone.

Click image to enlarge

police deaths by US state

Via Visual Capitalist.


  1. Fred B 3 days ago

    Both comparisons are needed for a complete picture.

  2. Tom Jones 3 days ago

    This is interesting, but a per capita comparison would paint a more complete picture.

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