DtdiClient |
A client for the DTDI Discovery API |
OnPayloadReceivedCallback |
Listener that is notified when a payload received. |
AccountInfo |
A representation of an app-level account that can be used to match against app-level accounts on other devices. |
AnalyticsInfo |
Direct use of |
AndroidPackageScope |
Represents an Android Package remote scope. |
AndroidRoleScope |
Represents an Android Role scope. |
ApiAvailability |
The results of checking the availability of different features. |
ChannelInfo |
Information used to identify a channel. |
DeviceFilter |
Direct use of DeviceFilter is not supported. |
Extra |
Represents a single extra element. |
GetDevicesResult |
Devices selected with DtdiClient.createDevicePickerIntent. |
IntermediateAccountInfo |
An intermediate representation of AccountInfo. |
RemoteAppScope |
Represents a remote application scope. |
RemoteDevice |
Represents a device scan result. |
ScanResult |
Represents a device scan result. |
SelectedDevice |
A data class encapsulating the unique identifier (token) of a device and its related information (such as the device name). |
WakeUpRequest |
Represents a wake up request. |
AndroidRoleScopes |
Annotation for the supported Android roles. |
ApiSurface |
Specifies an API surface a call is being made from. |
ExtraType |
Type of data being passed via this Extra. |
LoggingAvailability |
Specifies whether logging is available for a specified API surface. |