You're facing resistance to organizational changes. How can you earn your team's trust and credibility?
When resistance to change challenges your leadership, building trust becomes essential. To navigate this challenge:
- Communicate the 'why' behind changes. Be transparent about the reasons and benefits.
- Involve your team in the process. Seek their input and show that you value their perspective.
- Be consistent and follow through. Ensure your actions match your words to build credibility.
How do you build trust with your team during times of change?
You're facing resistance to organizational changes. How can you earn your team's trust and credibility?
When resistance to change challenges your leadership, building trust becomes essential. To navigate this challenge:
- Communicate the 'why' behind changes. Be transparent about the reasons and benefits.
- Involve your team in the process. Seek their input and show that you value their perspective.
- Be consistent and follow through. Ensure your actions match your words to build credibility.
How do you build trust with your team during times of change?
Open and clear communication is essential for building trust. Teams cannot trust leaders they don't relate to or hear from. In times of change, communication becomes even more crucial. Listen better and check for understanding. Create a shared vision for the entire team. Repeat important messages. Create dialogue and check for understanding. Create regular opportunities for personal connections. Use calls to action.
Widerstand gegen Veränderungen ist oft ein Zeichen für Unsicherheit und fehlende Identifikation. Anstatt nur das „Warum“ zu erklären, sollten Führungskräfte Raum für echtes Mitgestalten schaffen. Wer früh Verantwortung überträgt, schafft nicht nur Akzeptanz, sondern baut langfristiges Vertrauen auf. Entscheidender als Durchsetzung ist Dialog: Was sind die grössten Sorgen? Welche Chancen sehen die Betroffenen selbst? Veränderung gelingt nicht durch Überzeugung, sondern durch erlebte Relevanz. Konsequenz bedeutet nicht starres Festhalten an Plänen, sondern eine klare Haltung, die auch Anpassung ermöglicht – ohne dabei die eigene Glaubwürdigkeit zu verlieren.
- Be transparent about the reasons behind the change and the anticipated outcomes. - Listen and acknowledge concerns proactively and create a safe space for questions. Resistance often stems from uncertainty. - Involve your team in the process and let them share responsibilities and celebrate the wins. - Be a mentor to your team and provide all the support and resources they need during the transition. - Celebrate even smallest wins and breakthroughs, and recognize the efforts of each of the team member!
Résistance au changement organisationnel ? Faites-en un levier. Réorganiser une équipe, structurer de nouveaux process… et voir les regards sceptiques se multiplier ? Normal ! Mais bien accompagné, le changement devient une force. ✅ Expliquez avant d’imposer : Un nouvel outil, une nouvelle méthode ? Clarifiez le pourquoi pour éviter la panique. ✅ Impliquez votre équipe : Un changement subi est un frein. Engagez-les, écoutez, ajustez. ✅ Montrez l’exemple : Un leader qui prône l’organisation sans l’appliquer ? Pas crédible. Le changement organisationnel, c’est comme repenser un espace de travail : inconfortable au début, mais essentiel pour gagner en efficacité.
Para ganhar a confiança e a credibilidade da equipe primeiramente eu mantenho uma comunicação aberta, honesta e assertiva explicando o porquê das mudanças, os benefícios esperados e como elas afetarão a equipe. Pratico e escuta ativa e as técnicas de CNV para uma melhor valorização a opinião da equipe e assim alinhar com suas perspectivas. Também procura envolver a equipe no processo de mudança permitindo que eles participem nas tomadas de decisões e ofereçam feedback.