Your team member is defensive about feedback. How can you address their resistance effectively?
When a team member pushes back on feedback, it's crucial to foster an environment where constructive criticism is welcomed. Use these strategies to break through the resistance:
- Approach with empathy. Start conversations by acknowledging their feelings and perspective.
- Set clear expectations. Be specific about objectives and how feedback helps reach them.
- Encourage a growth mindset. Frame feedback as an opportunity for professional development.
What strategies have you found effective in handling defensiveness?
Your team member is defensive about feedback. How can you address their resistance effectively?
When a team member pushes back on feedback, it's crucial to foster an environment where constructive criticism is welcomed. Use these strategies to break through the resistance:
- Approach with empathy. Start conversations by acknowledging their feelings and perspective.
- Set clear expectations. Be specific about objectives and how feedback helps reach them.
- Encourage a growth mindset. Frame feedback as an opportunity for professional development.
What strategies have you found effective in handling defensiveness?
To address a team member's defensiveness over feedback, first create a supportive environment. Use a confidential environment to address the comments, and start with positive reinforcement to foster trust. Frame the critique as an opportunity for improvement and tie it to their personal and professional objectives. Use active listening to grasp their point of view and validate their emotions. Give detailed instances and actionable ideas. Encourage open communication and emphasise collaboration. Approaching the problem with empathy and clarity allows you to successfully confront their resistance and foster progress.
Abwehrhaltung gegenüber Feedback ist meist kein Zeichen von Unfähigkeit, sondern von Unsicherheit. Statt auf klassische „konstruktive Kritik“ zu setzen, sollten Führungskräfte den Fokus auf Selbstreflexion legen: Welche Herausforderungen siehst du selbst? Wo möchtest du dich verbessern? So wird Feedback nicht als Bedrohung, sondern als Entwicklungschance wahrgenommen. Der Schlüssel liegt in echter Dialogbereitschaft: Nicht belehren, sondern begleiten. Zudem sollte Feedback ein kontinuierlicher, wertschätzender Prozess sein – nicht nur eine punktuelle Bewertung. Wer Vertrauen aufbaut, schafft eine Kultur, in der Feedback als Wachstumstreiber und nicht als Angriff verstanden wird.
How you introduce feedback shapes how it’s received. If it’s always “constructive,” defensiveness is natural. Feedback should be about growth, not just fixing issues. Balance is key. I like to start with strengths and let positive feedback stand alone sometimes. Space out constructive feedback. Don’t overload in one session. Frame it as a partnership. Shift from “here’s what to fix” to “how can we grow this?” When feedback feels like support, not scrutiny, people engage rather than resist.
Based on my experience, reframe feedback as a collaborative exploration, not a personal critique. Shift the focus to shared goals, emphasizing how their contributions directly impact success. Introduce alternative approaches by asking open-ended questions, fostering their own solution-finding. Finally, acknowledge their strengths and resilience, building trust and encouraging a growth mindset.
When team members become defensive toward feedback, four key steps can be taken. First, approach with empathy: actively listen, validate their feelings, and clarify the positive purpose behind the feedback. Second, set clear expectations: define performance standards, link the feedback to specific tasks, and document both targets and deadlines. Third, encourage a growth mindset: stress that mistakes are part of the learning process, urge them to develop a personal improvement plan, and provide ongoing support. Finally, foster a culture of openness: model receptivity by accepting feedback gracefully, appreciate honestly, and promote team collaboration. By doing so, resistance decreases and performance improves.