Track and understand the performance of your investments with Portfolios in Google Finance. See your overall investment’s value, compare your performance to other stocks and indexes, and see analytics and news stories about your investments.
Create a portfolio
Custom portfolios let you manage and track your personal investment value over time.
Create a portfolio- Go to
- On the right, click New portfolio.
- Enter a portfolio name.
- Click Done.
- To add investments, click Add investments.
- Go to
- Select a watchlist from the list on the Google Finance homepage.
- At the top right, click More
- Choose View as portfolio.
- Go to
- Under “Your portfolios,” select the portfolio you want to rename or delete.
- At the top right, click More
- Choose Rename or Delete.
Create a playground portfolio
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” click New portfolio
New portfolio.
- Enter a portfolio name.
- Turn on the playground portfolio.
- Click Save.
- If 2-Step Verification is:
- Completed within 24 hours: To select and search for the index you wish to add, click Add investments.
- Not completed within 24 hours: You're prompted to re-authenticate.
- Click Done.
Tip: Playground portfolios are intended for simulations, your investment isn’t included.
Manage portfolio settings
You can update your settings to help you monitor your stock prices or update the currency on your portfolio.
Access portfolio with 2-Step Verification
Important: Google requires 2-Step Verification, also known as 2-factor authentication, for anyone accessing certain information on
With 2-Step Verification, you can add an extra layer of security to your account. It helps keep out unauthorized people to access your account and personal information.
Mark a portfolio as a playground portfolio
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- If 2-Step Verification is:
- Completed within 24 hours: At the top right, click More
Mark as playground.
- Not completed within 24 hours: Click Mark as playground portfolio, you're prompted to complete 2-Step Verification.
- Completed within 24 hours: At the top right, click More
- Click Confirm.
Tip: Playground portfolios are intended for simulations, your investment isn’t included.
Unmark a portfolio as a playground portfolio
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- At the top right, above "Portfolio highlights,” click More
Unmark as playground.
- Click Confirm.
View portfolio as a watchlist
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- At the top right, above "Portfolio highlights,” click More
View as Watchlist.
Tip: Your portfolio value is not deleted when you view it as a watchlist. You can view it as a portfolio to review your investment value anytime.
Important: You can change the currency your portfolio uses. For example, if you change your portfolio from US Dollars to EU Euros, the value of your portfolio and holdings will be automatically converted to EU Euros.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- At the top right, above "Portfolio highlights" click More
Update currency.
- Select the currency you want to view your portfolio value in.
Manage holdings in your portfolio
Add shares of a stock, mutual fund, or cryptocurrency to your portfolio- Click Add investments.
- Enter the stock, mutual fund, or cryptocurrency you want to add, and select the correct option that appears as you type.
- Enter the:
- Number of shares
- Date you purchased the shares
- Purchase price of the investment at the time you purchased the shares
- If you purchased shares of the stock on different dates, click More purchases of [X]. Enter the information.
- Once you enter all shares, click Save, or select Save & add another to add more investments to the portfolio.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- Click Investment. If you don’t have investments, click Add investment.
- Search for and select the index you wish to add.
- Click Done.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- Point to the line of the investment you want to delete.
- Click More
- Confirm Delete.
Understand portfolio performance
Your portfolio's value is calculated in realtime. The chart underneath your portfolio value shows the changes in your portfolio's balance over time.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- Under your portfolio name, your portfolio value is displayed. A chart below displays your portfolio balance over time.
- Select 1M, 6M, YTD, or other options to see your portfolio's balance over different time periods.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- Scroll to “Your portfolio in the news.”
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- At the top right, in “Portfolio highlights,” you can find your “1 Day” and “Total” returns.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- At the top right, in “Portfolio highlights,” you can find the allocation of your portfolio across a variety of metrics.
Portfolio comparisons use time-weighted rate of return. This adjusts for cash inflows and outflows to give you a more representative comparison against benchmarks.
- Go to
- On the right, under “Your portfolios,” select a portfolio.
- Under the chart, select a suggested comparison or click Compare to to search for a specific asset.