If you’re not ready to book a trip, you can use Google Flights to track prices based on specific flights, routes, and dates.
Track prices for a route or flight
When the price for a flight or route you're tracking changes significantly, you can get email updates.
- Go to Google Flights.
- At the top, choose the number of stops, cabin class, and how many tickets you need.
- Choose your departure airport and destination.
- To track prices for this route, turn on Track prices.
- You can track prices for your searched dates or, if your travel dates are flexible, “Any dates.”
- Optional: To track prices for a specific flight, choose your flights, then turn on Track prices.
When you track “Any dates,” you get an email when the route’s minimum price drops significantly over a month. If there isn’t a large enough price drop, you get a regular email with the best available flight prices.
Find tracked flights or turn emails off
- Go to Tracked Flights.
- On the Tracked Flights page:
- To find flights you’re tracking, click a saved route.
- To turn tracking emails on or off, click Add notification
- Optional: To stop tracking a route or flight, click Remove
Get insights about price changes
You also get a notification email from Google Flights when:
- Prices for a route you track are likely to go up.
- The current fare for a flight expires soon and the new fare is likely to cost more.
This includes an estimate of how much prices are likely to go up and our confidence in each estimate.