You can change, cancel, or check the details of your booking through Reserve with Google.
- All changes and cancellations are subject to each business’ policies. These policies are in the booking details at checkout and in your confirmation email. Google isn't in charge of these policies.
- You can’t edit the email address on the booking. Bookings are linked to the email address used in your Google Account.
Modify your booking
- Go to Reserve with Google.
- At the top left, click Menu
- Click Bookings
- Find the booking you want to change.
- Click Modify.
- Call the business if your booking is between 1 to 2 days away.
- You may need to cancel your booking and book again with new information.
Cancel your booking
If your booking is eligible for cancellation, there are 2 ways to cancel:
- Follow the instructions in your confirmation email.
- Go to Reserve with Google. Then, next to the booking, click Cancel.
- You may have to pay a fee to cancel some bookings. These policies are in the booking details at checkout and in your confirmation email. Google is not in charge of these policies.
If you’re unable to cancel the booking through Reserve with Google, call the business.
Delete your waitlist entry
To delete your waitlist entry, follow the steps below:
- Go to Reserve with Google.
- In the top left corner, click Menu
- Click Bookings
- On the waitlist entry you want to delete, click More
- Click Delete booking.