Use the Google Maps app to make restaurant reservations in the United States through OpenTable, an online reservation site.
You can also make dining reservations with Reserve with Google.Make a reservation
- Open the Google Maps app
- Search for a restaurant or tap a restaurant on the map.
- To see more information, tap the name of the restaurant. If the restaurant uses OpenTable, you'll see a "Find a table" section with open time slots.
- To look for openings at a different time and party sizes, update the reservation time and party size.
Note: If your Google email is registered with OpenTable, you'll also get Dining Rewards points for your reservation.
Confirm your reservation
You'll see a page that confirms your reservation. You'll get a confirmation email from OpenTable shortly afterwards.
Change or cancel your reservation
To change or cancel your reservation, follow the steps below:
- Open the confirmation email from OpenTable.
- Tap Change or Cancel.
Troubleshoot problems
I see the error "This didn't go through"
You'll see this error if Google couldn't connect to OpenTable to confirm your reservation.
To try again, tap Start over.
To have a "Find a table" section, your restaurant needs to be part of Reserve with Google and located in the United States.
If your restaurant is a part of the OpenTable Network, but isn't showing up, contact OpenTable.
Information that's shared when you create a reservation
OpenTable requires your name, a phone number, and email address to confirm a reservation. To learn how they use and protect this information, check out their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.