- Visit the Google Maps Content Partners (GMCP) start page to set up an account.
- Fill out the fields in the Organization details tab: Organization name, Organization type, Website, Address and Country. Click Next.
Organization type
The Organization type is how GMCP classifies organizations. This classification helps our team understand what organizations are sending us data. It will not impact upload processing.
When creating a new account, you can select the organization type from a list.
- Use the search bar in the Area of operation tab to find your area of operation. Once selected, click Next.
- Fill out the fields in the Contact information tab: Contact name, Job title, Email, Phone number, and (optionally) Where did you hear about us?
Where did you hear about us?
- If you’re familiar with geographic information systems (GIS) and the related file format (e.g., shapefiles), select the GIS knowledge checkbox.
GIS knowledge checkbox
This is an indication that you as a data provider have familiarity with geographic information systems. This may help with any follow-up correspondence, but will not impact the processing of your upload.
After creating an account, your selection will appear as Yes or No under Edit organizational details.
- (Recommended) If you would like to receive emails from Google highlighting new data-sharing capabilities, etc., select the email preference checkbox.
Marketing email preference checkbox
This is an indication that you as a data provider want to be informed of Google's new data-sharing capabilities, etc.
After creating an account, your selection will appear as Opt in or Opt out under Edit organizational details.
- Click Next to move to the Terms of Service tab.
- Review the Terms of Service and if you agree, select the I agree to the Terms of Service checkbox and click Submit. You are now ready to start submitting your data to Google!
Update Organization or Contact Details
Note: If any organization or contact details change, the account owner is responsible for updating the Organizational details section. This ensures that GMCP maintains an accurate and updated record of our data providers.
- To update any organization or contact details, navigate to the Organization details section and click Edit.
Make any needed changes in the Edit organization details window and then click Save.