Local Services helps you find the right provider for services in your area. You can:
- Find, evaluate, and hire a provider—all in one place.
- Check each provider's information, including reviews, qualifications, and services, in a consistent and clear format.
- Connect with any provider over the phone.
- Schedule a booking.
- Message a provider and get replies with quotes or relevant information. (Messaging is currently only available in the U.S. and Canada.)
Local Services provider profiles
To get more information about a provider, check the provider’s profile. You'll see the provider’s qualifications, hours of operation, services offered, areas served, and more.
You’ll also see ratings and reviews from customers who have worked with the provider, as well as specific aspects of their operation in the Business bio section. These highlights can help you choose the right provider for your service.
Local Services Ads and partner affiliates
Some providers don't advertise with Local Services directly, but through our partner affiliates instead. You can identify these partner affiliate providers using the "from (partner name)" label on their profile, as well as a logo on their profile page. Learn more about partner affiliates
Are you a provider looking to advertise with Local Services?
Sign up for Local Services Ads
Ways to connect with Local Services providers
You can reach out to Local Services providers in different ways. You can call or message them or schedule a booking directly through Google. Here’s how:
- Call them. When you call a provider number displayed on the search page, your call will be forwarded through Google to the phone number provided to us by the provider or their affiliated partner.
Note: All phone calls, emails, and text-based communications delivered through Google may be monitored or recorded to detect spam or unauthorized behavior and for quality or research purposes. Learn more about Local Services Ads data
- Send a message. Some providers may be eligible to receive messages. To send a text-message request from your mobile device, find the provider you’re interested in contacting, and click the message icon
. You may also send a text message to that number directly if you’ve previously contacted the provider and the provider’s phone number is text-enabled.
To send an email request from your desktop, find the provider you’re interested in contacting, and click Send Request. - Schedule a booking. You can schedule a booking with a provider directly through Google. Learn more about how to Schedule a booking with a Local Service provider.
If you are contacting a partner affiliate provider, your name, ZIP code, and job details will be shared with the partner. Your communications with that provider will be routed through Google and the affiliated partner via an anonymized alias, subject to the partner's and Google's terms of use.
Service costs and payment
Services can range in price, depending on the type of service you need, your location, and the scope of the service. Google connects you with Local Services providers, but doesn’t guarantee or determine pricing. You should work with the provider to decide on service details, and determine pricing and payment methods before using their services.
Resolve cancellations and other issues
If you're unhappy with the service provided by a Google Guaranteed provider hired through Local Services, try to resolve the issue with the provider first. If you're unable to come to a resolution, submit a reimbursement request and we may be able to help.
Rate and review providers
After a provider completes a service for you, Google the partner affiliate associated with the provider, or the provider themselves may ask you to rate and review the provider. This helps other customers and Google to evaluate the provider. Serious or repeatedly negative customer feedback may result in lower rankings for providers (including not showing at all). For more information on Local Services Ads, view our policy.