Movies & TV
You can discover the latest movies and TV shows and watch them instantly with Google Play Movies & TV on the web. To watch on a mobile device, use the Google TV app
Find what you love
Choose from new releases, award-winning films, and movies that are still in theaters. With thousands of available movies, you can enjoy your favorites or discover new ones.
TV shows
Catch up on your favorite TV shows. Watch last night's episodes or past seasons of can't-miss reality TV, laugh-out-loud comedies, nail-biting dramas, notable documentaries, and more, when it's most convenient for you. You can even get a season pass to have the latest episodes automatically added to your library the day after they air.
Watch instantly on your favorite devices
All your purchased and rented movies and shows automatically save to your library across your devices. You can watch them on the web with Play Movies & TV, or on a phone or smart TV with the Google TV app.
Watch movies & TV
- Buy, rent & watch movies & TV shows
- Watch & manage videos in your library on your TV
- Download movies & TV to watch offline
- Cast movies & shows to a TV
- Redeem the digital copy of a Blu-ray or DVD movie you bought
- Watch movies & TV shows from your streaming apps
- Pre-order or pre-register for apps, movies, books & audiobooks
- Get started with the Google TV app
- Where you can watch your content