- Some features are available if you're signed in to your Google Account.
- If you share a paid story, others may not access it until they pay for it.
Computer algorithms determine which stories show up on Google News and in what order.
Google News shows some content in a personalized way. Personalization helps Google News quickly and easily show you stories that interest you.
Chosen by computers
Based on your language and region, algorithms pick subjects for these sections:
- Full Coverage
- Sources in Newsstand
- Search results
- Your topics
- Local news
- Notifications about top news stories
- Headline news stories, which show up as:
- In your app: Headlines
or "Headlines" stories in your briefing.
- On Google News on desktop: "Top Stories" stories in your briefing.
- On Google News on mobile: "Headlines" stories in Top stories
- In your app: Headlines
In these sections, people who use the same language and region get news for the same subjects.
Personalized news
Algorithms personalize your news based on your:
- Google News settings: Your interests and sources
- Past activity: Your activity on Google services and YouTube
Algorithms personalize your news for these sections:
- "For you" in Home
- Topics, sources, and locations in Following
- "Picks for you" stories in your briefing
- Your topics
- Local news
- Notifications
In these sections, people get stories that cover different subjects. Learn how to change settings and find past activity.
News Showcase
Important: This feature is available in some languages and countries.
When you read stories on Google News, you might find content from News Showcase publishers. Stories in a Showcase panel are curated by publishers to give you a deeper understanding and more context. For example, News Showcase publishers may choose the images to appear in a Showcase panel. You can find these stories in the For you section. These stories may come from publishers you don't follow. Learn more about the News Showcase feature.
- To follow suggested publishers: Click or tap Follow
- To unfollow publishers: Click or tap Follow
. You can also go to the Following
tab and click or tap Manage.