You can customize your appointment schedule to make it easier for people to view your availability. If the booking page doesn't reflect your availability, fix availability issues on your booking page.
Set appointment schedule start & end dates
Important: You can only set start and end dates for recurring appointment schedules. Learn how to set a recurring appointment schedule.
You can choose the dates you want your appointment schedule to start and end.
- On a computer, open Google Calendar.
- Click an existing appointment schedule
- Click Scheduling window
Start and end dates.
- Choose the dates you want your appointment schedule to start and end.
- Click Done.
- To save the updated schedule, click Next
Change a date’s availability
You can choose specific dates where you’re more or less available than usual.
- On a computer, open Google Calendar.
- Click an existing appointment schedule
- Under “Adjusted availability,” click Change a date’s availability.
- Choose the date you want to adjust.
- Change the time range to show the times you’re available.
- If you’re not available that date at all, click Unavailable all day
- To add more than one available time range, click Add a time
- To remove a date exception, next to the date and time, click Remove
- If you’re not available that date at all, click Unavailable all day
- To save the updated schedule, click Next
Tip: You can adjust availability for dates that are outside of a recurring schedule with start and end dates.
Manage booked appointment settings
To avoid back-to-back appointments, you can turn on and adjust buffer time.
- On a computer, open Google Calendar.
- Click an existing appointment schedule
- Click Booked appointment settings
- To add buffer time:
- Under “Buffer time,” check the box.
- Select the buffer time you want to schedule between appointments.
- To set a maximum number of appointments:
- Under “Maximum bookings per day,” check the box.
- Enter the maximum number of appointments you want on your schedule per day.
- To add buffer time:
- To save the updated schedule, click Next
Check your availability across calendars
Important: To check availability from secondary calendars, you need to have an eligible Google Workspace or Google One plan. Learn more about premium features for appointment schedules.
To prevent conflicts with other events, Calendar can check your availability across multiple calendars. This includes your primary calendar and any calendars that you own, manage, or are subscribed to.
- When you RSVP “Yes” or “Maybe” to an event or have any busy event in a calendar that is reviewed for conflicts, that block of time doesn’t appear as open on your booking page.
- If you turn off Check calendars for availability, all the time blocks appear as open on your booking pages. This applies even when you accept a non-appointment event. Each appointment time on a booking page can only be booked once even with this feature turned off.
To review secondary calendars for conflicts:
- On a computer, open Google Calendar.
- Click an existing appointment schedule
- Next to “Calendars,” click the Down arrow
- Select the calendars you’d like to check for conflicts.
- Your calendar shows a preview of your selected calendars so you can check the impact to your appointment schedule.
- If you don’t want to check for schedule conflicts, turn off Check calendars for availability.
- To hide appointment schedules, in the top right, click the View switcher menu and unselect Show appointment schedules.
- If an appointment schedule is hidden and you create or edit a schedule, the hidden appointment schedule appears again. Booked appointments are never hidden on the Calendar grid.
- When the schedule is created on a shared calendar, it may not be possible to select other calendars to be reviewed for conflicts.
Fix availability issues on your booking page
- Check your scheduling window settings: These settings limit how far in advance or how close to the actual appointment time bookers can book an appointment. If appointment times are outside the set ranges, they don’t show on the booking page.
- Check calendars for availability:
- If you check this option:
- Appointment times during events on your calendar that are set to “Busy” don't show on the booking page. Learn about “Busy” events, and change your event privacy settings.
- No appointment times show up on days where you have an all-day event set to “Busy.”
- Learn to review secondary calendars for conflicts.
- When you uncheck this option:
- Appointment times show up on your booking page during times where you have a "Busy" event on your calendar.
- If someone books an appointment, Google Calendar removes that appointment time from the booking page.
- If you check this option:
Tip: No matter which setting you choose, each appointment time on a booking page can only be booked once.
- Check booked appointment settings: These settings manage the booked appointments that appear on your calendar. If you set up a “Maximum bookings per day,” appointment times may not show up if it reaches the set limit.