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Arm for GitHub Copilot

Learn how to develop better software on Arm servers in GitHub Copilot
By arm
145 installs




GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.

Works with

Copilot Chat, Copilot in the IDE


Free plan available. Requires a GitHub Copilot license.

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Develop on Arm

Get answers to your cloud development questions specific to the Arm architecture. By providing tailored advice and expert-curated developer references, the Arm extension for GitHub Copilot helps you deploy quality code, faster.

Arm-based servers offer exceptional price performance and are available across cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Oracle, and Alibaba.

How & when to use

Ask @arm your coding question directly in GitHub Copilot and receive answers that are specific to the Arm architecture. @arm can answer any cloud question, and excels in three key cloud topics:

  • Migration: Port your project to the Arm architecture faster.
  • Optimization: Get the best price performance for your project.
  • CI/CD: Create an end-to-end tested & supported Arm-based project.

Here are some example prompts to spark ideas:
@arm What is the best methodology for me to migrate my web service to Azure?
@arm Explain how to optimize my app's performance with BOLT?
@arm How do I build multi-architecture Docker images?

Arm for GitHub Copilot is constantly improving. Have feedback? Please file an issue.

Learn more

View the Arm extension's GitHub repository README for more information about this extension.

Mockup VSCode view


Copilot Extensions require an active GitHub Copilot license.

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, C, Objective-C, Java, C#, Assembly, and Rust

Arm for GitHub Copilot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


Learn how to develop better software on Arm servers in GitHub Copilot
By arm
145 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.




Free plan available. Requires a GitHub Copilot license.

Works with

Copilot Chat, Copilot in the IDE

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, C, Objective-C, Java, C#, Assembly, and Rust