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Architecture & optimization

The GitHub Ruby on Rails monolith is big: nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborating on it, to the tune of around 20 deployments every day. Follow along to see how we build and continually improve the tools you use every day.


How we improved push processing on GitHub

Pushing code to GitHub is one of the most fundamental interactions that developers have with GitHub every day. Read how we have significantly improved the ability of our monolith to correctly and fully process pushes from our users.


Crafting a better, faster code view

The new GitHub Code View brings users many new features to improve the code reading and exploration experiences, and we overcame a number of unique technical hurdles in order to deliver those features without compromising performance.

Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails

Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.…

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