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Background/aims Deep learning systems (DLSs) for diabetic retinopathy (DR) detection show promising results but can underperform in racial and ethnic minority groups, therefore external validation within these populations is critical for health equity. This study evaluates the performance of a DLS for DR detection among Indigenous Australians, an understudied ethnic group who suffer disproportionately from DR-related blindness.
Methods We performed a retrospective external validation study comparing the performance of a DLS against a retinal specialist for the detection of more-than-mild DR (mtmDR), vision-threatening DR (vtDR) and all-cause referable DR. The validation set consisted of 1682 consecutive, single-field, macula-centred retinal photographs from 864 patients with diabetes (mean age 54.9 years, 52.4% women) at an Indigenous primary care service in Perth, Australia. Three-person adjudication by a panel of specialists served as the reference standard.
Results For mtmDR detection, sensitivity of the DLS was superior to the retina specialist (98.0% (95% CI, 96.5 to 99.4) vs 87.1% (95% CI, 83.6 to 90.6), McNemar’s test p<0.001) with a small reduction in specificity (95.1% (95% CI, 93.6 to 96.4) vs 97.0% (95% CI, 95.9 to 98.0), p=0.006). For vtDR, the DLS’s sensitivity was again superior to the human grader (96.2% (95% CI, 93.4 to 98.6) vs 84.4% (95% CI, 79.7 to 89.2), p<0.001) with a slight drop in specificity (95.8% (95% CI, 94.6 to 96.9) vs 97.8% (95% CI, 96.9 to 98.6), p=0.002). For all-cause referable DR, there was a substantial increase in sensitivity (93.7% (95% CI, 91.8 to 95.5) vs 74.4% (95% CI, 71.1 to 77.5), p<0.001) and a smaller reduction in specificity (91.7% (95% CI, 90.0 to 93.3) vs 96.3% (95% CI, 95.2 to 97.4), p<0.001).
Conclusion The DLS showed improved sensitivity and similar specificity compared with a retina specialist for DR detection. This demonstrates its potential to support DR screening among Indigenous Australians, an underserved population with a high burden of diabetic eye disease.
- Retina
- Diagnostic tests/Investigation
- Imaging
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Supplementary materials
Supplementary Data
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Twitter @markachia, @pearsekeane
Contributors MAC: research design, data acquisition, data analysis, data interpretation, manuscript preparation, and guarantor. FH: research design, data interpretation and manuscript revision. RS: data analysis, data interpretation and manuscript revision. PB, RT and PAK: data interpretation and manuscript revision. AT: research design, data interpretation and manuscript revision. All authors approved the final manuscript.
Funding Google LLC funded this study, and participated in the design of the study, conducting the study, data collection, data management, data analysis, interpretation of the data, preparation, review and approval of the manuscript. MAC: Supported by a General Sir John Monash Scholarship. PAK: Supported by a Moorfields Eye Charity Career Development Award (R190028A) and a UK Research & Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T019050/1).
Competing interests PAK has acted as a consultant for DeepMind, Roche, Novartis and Apellis and is an equity owner in Big Picture Medical. He has received speaker fees from Heidelberg Engineering, Topcon, Allergan and Bayer. FH, RS, PB and RT are employees of Google LLC and own Alphabet stock.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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