Your AI assistant from Google.
Meet Gemini, a digital assistant on your phone that helps you write, create, plan, learn and more.
Try Gemini on AndroidGemini helps you get things done.
Go Live to have more natural voice conversations that adapt to your conversational style in real time.1
Circle it. Search it.
Get info about what’s on your phone’s screen, without switching apps. Search it up with a circle, tap, scribble, or highlight.1
One gesture, multiple possibilities.
Search it up to shop the look, and skip the gatekeepers5
Your photos, perfected.
Express yourself in a whole new way.
Stay safer with AI-powered protection.
Android uses the best of Google’s AI (and machine learning expertise) to protect you from spammers, fraudsters and thieves.
Avoid scammers and spammers.
Tired of annoying spam texts and suspicious messages? Your Android device automatically blocks scams and protects your phone from fraudsters and thieves thanks to Google's AI.
Keep your phone safe from thieves.
Your phone will automatically lock if it senses a snatch, preventing your data from being accessed thanks to Google AI.